

英語が苦手な方は、 Yahoo!翻訳 などをご利用ください

  1. The Hunger Site

  2. The Breast Canser Site

  3. The Child Health Site

  4. The Literacy Site

  5. The Rainforest Site

  6. The Animal Rescue Site

  7. EcologyFund.com

  8. Care2.com's Race for the Rain Forest

  9. Care2.com's Race To Save Baby Seals

  10. Care2.com's Race for the Oceans

  11. Care2.com's Race for the Big Cats

  12. Care2.com's Race for the Primates

  13. Care2.com's Race for Children in Need

  14. Care2.com's Race for Pets in Need

  15. Care2's Race to Stop Violence Against Women

  16. Care2.com and TBCF's Climb to End Breast Cancer

  17. Hungry Children.com

  18. oaksoftheworld.com

  19. Solar site

  20. A Click for the Forest

  21. E-Philanthropy Site.org

  22. Wastes site

  23. The Race for the Rainforest

  24. Tree 4 Life

  25. Land Care Niagara

  26. Bird Conservation Site

  27. solvepoverty.com

  28. Clearlandmines.com

  29. Tarahumara Children's Hospital Fund

  30. Wildglobe.com

  31. The Environment Site

  32. HungerFighters

  33. ClicAnimaux(フランス語)

  34. ClicFaim(フランス語)

  35. ClicPlanete(フランス語)

  36. PovertyFighters.com

  37. The Bible Site

  38. Polska Strona Gtodu

  39. die Waldseite

